Thursday, November 25, 2010

Got a bit of time?

One of my all time favourite books is one of Marc Levy, Sept jours pour une éternité... I read this book within a week, and let me tell you I am not a fast reader. The story is about God and Lucifer wanting to end the non ending war between good & evil, so they send their best agent down to earth to prove that the other doesn't belong on earth anymore. The one thing they didn't expect is that Lucas, Lucifer's agent, and Zofia, God's agent, would meet and fall in love with each other. This story is more aimed at a feminine audience, but it still remains a great story, my description doesn't do it justice, trust me. Marc Levy is a really good writer, he is French and has written 11 successful books, which one of them was made into a movie. Have you ever heard of the movie Just like Heaven with Reese Witherspoon and Mark Ruffalo, well it was originally a book called Et si c'était vrai... I strongly recommend you Sept jours pour une  éternité.  

MeatLoaf recipe...Awesome man + Red Handkerchief

In case you didn't get it I'm talking about the singer. He is one of my favourite singer of all time, well ever since I discovered him when I was 12 years old. His real name is Marvin Lee Aday, he was born in Texas on September 27th 1947. Some of his most known songs are Bat out of Hell, I'd do anything for Love, (but I won't do that), You took the words right out of my mouth, Two out of Three ain't bad, A kiss is a terrible thing to waste and many more. He recently made a new album called Hanged Cool Teddy Bear which has this song called Los Angeloser which is currently one of my favourite songs. Meat Loaf has also appeared in some movies and TV shows. He played Eddie in the Rocky Horror Picture Show, he was also in Tenacious D in the Pick of Destiny, an episode of House, Monk and more recently Glee when they made the Rocky Horror Picture Show special. This Coup de Coeur goes out to him because he is just too awesome and I just wish he would come to Montreal. 

You have to know David Thewlis

David Thewlis is born David Wheeler on March 20 1963 in England. His brake out role was in Mike Leigh's movie Naked(a must seen movie) You probably all seen him in Harry Potter (if you don't think you're too cool too watch Harry Potter, of course) he plays Remus Lupin. He also played in several other movies. He is currently living with British actress Anna Friel who played one of the main characters in the TV series Pushing Daisies, which was canceled :( Together they had a beautiful daughter they named Gracie, she is now 5 years old. David Thewlis is one of my favourite actors as for his actual acting not just the looks, although he is not bad looking at all.
Ever since he appeared in Harry Potter, he was my favourite character but I didn't know who he was at that time. It is only when I was introduced to the movie Naked that I realized how great of an actor he really is. And now when I see him in any movie, even though he is there just for 5 minutes, like in the Big Lebowski, it makes my day because he is just so good. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

CSI: New York, the only choice

CSI: NY is currently on its seventh season and is the best CSI show of all three. First with a cast member such as Gary Sinise just because of that the show is already surpassing the two others. Second this show is much more real, especially the acting compared to CSI: Miami. That one is the worse of all three, I just can't stand David Caruso and his stupid sunglasses. If you don't believe me check out this link below. As for the Vegas one well I simply don't like the cast. So if you are thinking of starting to follow of them you can guess which one I recommend you. 

On aime!
