Thursday, November 25, 2010

You have to know David Thewlis

David Thewlis is born David Wheeler on March 20 1963 in England. His brake out role was in Mike Leigh's movie Naked(a must seen movie) You probably all seen him in Harry Potter (if you don't think you're too cool too watch Harry Potter, of course) he plays Remus Lupin. He also played in several other movies. He is currently living with British actress Anna Friel who played one of the main characters in the TV series Pushing Daisies, which was canceled :( Together they had a beautiful daughter they named Gracie, she is now 5 years old. David Thewlis is one of my favourite actors as for his actual acting not just the looks, although he is not bad looking at all.
Ever since he appeared in Harry Potter, he was my favourite character but I didn't know who he was at that time. It is only when I was introduced to the movie Naked that I realized how great of an actor he really is. And now when I see him in any movie, even though he is there just for 5 minutes, like in the Big Lebowski, it makes my day because he is just so good. 

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